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5 Pet Owning Benefits that will Convince Your Parents to Get You a Pet

In 2023, over 32 million of the Indian population owns a pet, the number rising more than 12% per year. The number of millennials and young children wanting a pet is at an all-time high. However, despite the statistics, it is often hard to convince parents, who view owning a pet as a burden, to get a pet in the house. 

Don’t worry, as we are here for the rescue to help you convince your parents to get you a pet this year, not through emotional blackmail, but with the help of science and data!

We aren’t denying that pets are hard work. Making a pet a part of your family calls for financial, emotional, and physical investment. However, we and any pet owner can assure that the benefits of having a pet far surpasses any source of apprehensions. A pet is truly worth all the efforts and we are here to show you how!

Here are top 5 reasons why getting a pet will be the best decision of your life:

Pets Take Care of Your Physical Health

  • Since most pets are high-energy and need regular walks or runs, they are bound to improve your workout routine. Afterall, if your pet is running, then so are you!
  • Various researches show that children who grow up with pets in their homes are more likely to grow up immune to various bacteria and allergies. 
  • Taking care of pets has also shown a decrease in the levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure.
  • Pet owners also have lower risks of cardiovascular diseases as compared to non pet-owners.

Having a pet is a lot like having a cute little personal trainer who will enable you to let go of laziness and embrace a life of fun-filled activities.

Pets Improve Your Mental Health

  • Playing with pets elevates levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body that helps us to stay calm and relax.
  • Spending time with pets is proven to reduce anxiety and overthinking in children and adults alike. Since, pets need attention and care, they often take you out of your own head and to stay present in the moment.
  • As you grow old and life starts to take over, taking care of pets often provides you with a sense of purpose and gives you a positive perspective to life.
  • Sleeping with your furry companion offers a sense of warmth and comfort that has been proven to improve the quality of your sleep.

A pet is the family you can choose and just as a loving family member, pets are always there for you to support you at all times and to never let you feel alone.

Pets Provide Companionship & Love

  • Having a pet means having a constant companion who provides you with immense love. As long as you have a pet, you never really feel alone. 
  • Pets love unconditionally and consider the hooman as their whole world, thus giving us a sense of belonging and self-worth. 
  • Pets are never critical, thus they help you develop confidence and a positive self-image.
  • Children who grow up with pets in the household are more likely to learn the importance of emotional attachments and tend to build secure and safe relationships.

Having a pet is like having an ideal best friend who always supports you, sticks with you, and encourages you to be your absolute best self. Imagine a cute furry cheerleader who always wants your best and does everything to make you happy.

Pets Teach You to Be Responsible & Kind

  • Pets are like little babies who need to be taken care of. You have to feed them, bathe them, take them for walks, and more. Having a pet enables adults and children to take responsibility for another living being.
  • Pets help us learn the importance of routine and encourage us to build habits.
  • As pets are different from us and they cannot express themselves directly through language, they help us to improve our understanding of non-verbal communication and cues. They teach us to be compassionate to all beings, despite differences.
  • As pets are protective of their owners, they tend to protect you against any harm, which in turn teaches you to be kind and gentle.

A pet is a great teacher who can teach your children the importance of following schedules, loving unconditionally, expressing kindness, and taking responsibility.

Pets Provide Social Support

  • Our pets help us to make new friends. People love to talk about their pets and know about yours. So, A common love for pets can be the greatest icebreaker between two strangers. 
  • There are also various pet communities you can join to interact with and befriend other pet parents. These communities enable you to increase your social group and make friends with common interests.
  • With many restaurants and hotels becoming pet-friendly, you also get the chance to travel with your furry friends and make memories that will last a lifetime.
  • Having a pet makes you popular among friends, family, and even neighbors who love pets as much as you do.

Having a pet is like having a cute magnet who helps you to meet just the right people and make new friends.

And the benefits of having a pet don’t stop here. Did you know that pets are also said to help people with special needs and/or disabilities by helping provide them with a sense of safety and helping them overcome challenges by reducing their pain and stress?

Pets are also said to have evolved to become more familiarized to humans behavior and emotions. They understand our emotions by interpreting our facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. Like any good friend, they understand us and provide us with physical, emotional, and mental support.

Sure, pets can be a lot of hard work, but that is what makes our relationship with them so rewarding. Taking care of pets improves our physical, mental, and psychological health. They improve our social state and help us unlock a new way of living. The benefits that our pets provide us with are innumerable and deserve to be appreciated.


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